Cardano Fans (CRFA) — status update — 1.11.2021
2 min readNov 1, 2021
- Accounting with balance sheet per each epoch app for SPOs is about 70% — 80% completed after which testing will start and bug fixing. For the moment there is no UI, one has to manually insert SQL into database for transactions which are manually done, e.g. by using legacy banking
- We are in last steps (90% done) of adding NodeVersions to Cardano Blockchain Insights, data from
Update: done,
- We are about (80% done) completed on adding a new page Transaction Detail / Epoch, this page we are super excited about because it will add very important and missing metrics such as, e.g.
“epoch_no”: 299,
“avg_transactions_per_block”: 54.96299304620214,
“block_size_bytes”: 37965.132781896136,
“tx_size_bytes”: 750.0993683662174,
“avg_out_sum_lovelaces”: 55803664716.171364
- We are scheduled internally for Friday to discuss architecture of our Cardano game (one of them), either we will use EVM M1 side chain, where every move is recorded on chain or we will simply run game offline and use Cardano network and in game items will be NFTs. We are patiently waiting for LudoToken API from Adam Dean for this as well. Big shoutout to Adam Dean!
- This friday, we are starting out first CRFA Developer ZOOM hangout session, those of you that want to join, you will be able to find a ZOOM link on 5th November 2021 at 13.00 CET, meeting starts 13.15 -> 14.15. The idea is to help Cardano developers and exchange knowledge: