Cardano Fans Development Update — 14.11.2021
New website launch:
We are happy to announce that our new website has finally launched:

Thank You for your patience.
Cardano Blockchain Insights: we released two reworked pages:
Transactions / Epoch (1) — top new graph about transaction counts

Transactions / Epoch (2) — top new graph about transaction sizes
CRFA Cardano Donation App: we are getting ready for beta launch next week, majority of code is written, waiting for new release of:
Latest version of this library will support fee calculations on a transaction that has one sender and multiple receivers. To minimise cost our donation app will be donating to multiple entities in one transaction.
Please contact us on to be a beta tester. While code is open source not all is documented yet. Alternatively you can join our telegram channel: to take part and ask questions.
Sundae Swap ISPO:
Please vote for CRFA to be part of Sundae Swap Scooper and part of ISPO program.
Varia: we had a catch up with Giovanni and Sebastian from EASY1 stake pool. Some potential partnerships could be possible in the future. For now we can only say we were very pleasantly surprised of their demo of Stakeboard. It is especially impressive considering Stakeboard didn’t receive catalyst funding… There is true passion and committment from those two amazing individuals.
High level view of Stakeboard project: